Thomas Moore pulls back the veil and allows us a rare and beautiful look into the Kingdom of God as well as a profound glimpse into the heart of the Father. With prophetic insight, he challenges the reader to be done with dead religion, selfish interests, and nominal Christianity. He calls us to surrender our lives completely to Jesus and bravely pursue the very presence of God.
“This book created (in me) an even greater hunger for the Lord and stirred my heart towards action”…. “it should be required reading” —John Nickleson
“ Like the insight of Rick Joyner with the writing style of Khalil Gibran” —Dorothy Duke
“Unlike any work I have ever read with elements of Solomon, Smith Wigglesworth, Jeremiah and Billy Graham” —Rich Armstrong “I was really enjoying the story and then suddenly it was like reading the Bible” —Jennifer Markle

As the days grow darker, it is essential for everyone who desires to live for Jesus to understand the difference between “Churchianity” and Christianity. This book clears a path through the religious jungle, and clearly identifies the Way of Salvation. This necessarily involves the full extraction of the common religious practice of tithing from Christian doctrine.
What is this book about?
It is about everything that pertains to Godliness and everything that frustrates Godliness. It is about growing in Christ and blossoming in faith, as well as dying to pride and rejecting the world. We are shown the difference between the treasures of Grace and the treasures of the world as we learn a new appreciation for our Lord Jesus Christ and all He won on the cross for us. This book is a guide to spiritual maturity where we learn to say along with John the Baptist, “He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30 KJV).”
Something involved in these issues is dealing with questions that have plagued many believers about how Malachi 3:8-11 has been taught to them: Am I really cursed as a robber of God for failing to pay my tithes? Will I really open up new Heavenly windows of blessing by faithfully paying my tithes? The answers to these questions involve all the schools of systematic theology which requires a deep thorough inspection into the contents of the Gospel of Grace, the plan of salvation, and the Priesthood of Christ.

This book has been in the making for 50 years; ever since Thomas Moore found a germ within the tithing doctrine that departed from the Living God. Thomas set out in 1973 to expose where this germ corrupts the basic doctrines of the New Testament, but in so doing, he found that he needed to acquire a full understanding of all the primary Christian doctrines. This required reading the entire Bible from cover to cover many times in different translations, as well as compiling an extensive theology library. Years were spent reading entire commentaries, word studies, and systematic theology by various scholars, along with sermons and lessons from the greatest preachers of all time. In 2015, the author finished following the tithing germ through every school of theology and discovered the specific truths of Scripture being violated.
In 2015, he began writing the book to refute each false teaching that supports the false doctrine of tithing and expose all of its fallacies, heresies and blasphemies, which was published in November of 2019 as Living Waters from Difficult Passages. The book is very thorough. It not only exposes the heresies and blasphemies, but also contains the popular verses of Scripture that pastor’s abuse, in order to support the tithing practice. This made the book almost 500 pages long. Many people are not interested in a book that large, so the author developed this book as a companion book, which is a quick and easy read; just covering the basic blasphemies of the religious tithing teaching. If reading Tithingism peaks your interest for more insights and Biblical evidence into the false teachings of the tithing tradition, then Living Waters from Difficult Passages will satisfy completely.

This book introduces an innovative curriculum that submerges the student of Koine Greek into the same process used in elementary school to teach children how to read. In a similar manner where a child learns to swim in the shallow end of a pool, so is the reader immersed in a collection of simple Greek sentences from the New Testament that match a beginning skill level. When the student can read these Greek verses as easy as they read English, then they have made huge progress towards familiarity to the Greek Scripture.
This book provides hints as to the subject of each Greek Scripture being read, helping as a memory aid. It also serves as an enjoyable relaxing devotional with its lovely, colorful illustrations on each page.